Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Challenge #5 runs from December 28th thru January 17th 2011!

Congratulations to Monika for winning this challenge!
Welcome to AmberInk's INKredible 21 Day Challenge!

It's that time of year.  Time to set some fresh goals, refocus and get organized!    It helps to have a place for everything and it really helps when that place is pretty.  At AmberInk we LOVE pretty!

 Have a peek at our IDEA PAGE to get started.

GET ORGANIZED with Amber Ink!

The Rules are Simple:

Use at least ONE AmberInk product in your entry

Create something to help you get organized

Blog about it and tell us who/what/where...we want the deets on EVERYTHING!

Add your linky.

You can enter as many times as you'd like, but only one prize per person.

Come back and vote for your favorite entry January 17th, 18th, 19th.


Our torchbearers have come through again with THE BEST examples!

Top three vote-getters will be in the top 3, but Our current AmberInk(TH)ink tank will award the final place settings. Second and Third prize winners will receive gift certificates to the AmberInk store.

And the WINNER of AmberInk's InKredible 21 Day Challenge? The most AMAZING, AWESOME, ASTONISHING prize in blogsville! Make sure you click on the winning badges up on the right! Check under Winning Developments.

EMILY LEIPHART was our winner for Challenge #4. Watch as her ideas develop!

You could win it too - a set that YOU create with Amber. Dream BIG ladies. All you have to do is Enter and Win!!!!

Chop Chop...Time to get Organized with Amber Ink!!! 


  1. WAY TO GO, LADIES!! The new Torchbearers have really set the bar pretty high, haven't they?


  2. What a fun challenge. I can't wait to work on it. You all did such a great job on your creations.

  3. Gorgeous creations!!! woo hoo! congrats Emily!!!

  4. This was my first time playing along. I made something for me!

  5. Lovely Challenge...and congrats Emily wohoooo your ROCK girl...

  6. Congrats, Emily!! so happy for your win! I just voted!! YAY!
